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Learn deep breathing techniques for better health - Learn 4 techniques of breathwork here

Breathing techniques are an invaluable tool in our daily lives for managing stress, boosting energy, and improving our physical and mental health. Here you will find some valuable breathing techniques to try and see what works for you.

Remember, effective breathing isn't just about inhaling fresh air; it's equally about properly expelling old air. As you breathe in new air and expel the old, your blood becomes oxygenated. Deep breathing is known to slow down the heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and positively impact your mental state.

You will find 4 methods to try out here and see what suits you.

Important! Breathe correctly

When you are stressed, you do not inhale as much air as you normally would. Your breathing becomes fast, irregular, and shallow. A body that does not receive enough oxygen will not function optimally because cells depend on oxygen to thrive. In the short term, this can lead to difficulties in focusing and thinking clearly. It is almost impossible to feel calm while you are breathing rapidly. Over time, incorrect breathing can even be harmful to your health. By making sure to breathe into your lungs and "stomach" now and then throughout the day, you help yourself.

Breathe deeply, fill the lungs and all the way down into the stomach during the deep breathing exercises.

When you take deep breaths, make sure to use your full lung capacity and breathe all the way down to your stomach. Fill every nook and cranny. Breathe in and out through your nose. Take deep, rhythmic, and slow breaths that make your abdomen and chest rise and fall.

Learn deep breathing techniques for better health - Learn 4 techniques here
A few deep breaths makes a big difference
It is recommended that we breathe through our nose (recent research showed major health benefits).

Tip 1

Make it a point to plan breathing better once or several times a day. It's a wonderful way to counteract everyday stress, enhance your energy, and strengthen your physical and mental wellbeing.

Show your children how to do it too. It can help both going to sleep but also before exams or other events in life.

4 different breathing exercises

1. Breathing using the 7 - 4 - 7 technique


This technique is focusing on calming the nervous system by concentrating on both the counting and the breathing. It is perfect before something stressful, during something stressful and after... it is also perfect for going to sleep. Repeat as needed.

  1. For calming - do the breathing technique for 3-5 breaths

  2. For relaxation - do the exercise 10-20 breaths

  3. For sleep - do + 20 breathes and imagine you walking down some stairs or in a beautiful safe and calm surrounding into a perfectly comfortable gently rocking hammock, or the most perfect bed until you sleep.

2. The Box breathing technique

The Box Breathing technique, also known as Square Breathing or Four-Square Breathing, is a method used to reduce stress and improve concentration.

Imagine a square. Each "side" of the box (inhalation, holding, exhalation, holding) should last for the same four-second duration, forming a "box" pattern in terms of time. Typically, this breathing exercise is repeated for four minutes, or until calm and focused.

  1. Find a Comfortable Position: Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the ground, or you can do it lying down. Make sure your back is straight. Close your eyes if it helps you concentrate.

  2. Inhale: Breathe in slowly through your nose, mentally counting to 4. Try to fill your lungs completely.

  3. Hold Your Breath: Keep the air inside while you count slowly to 4 again. Try not to clamp your mouth or nose shut; simply avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.

  4. Exhale: Slowly exhale through your mouth for another count of 4, expelling the air from your lungs and abdomen.

  5. Hold Again: After exhaling, hold your breath once more for a count of 4 before beginning the cycle again.

3. The breathing technique 3 - 4 - 5

(Dr Chatterjee)

Repeat this process several times, or for up to five minutes.

This simple exercise can immediately alleviate stress and anxiety.

  • Inhale for 3 seconds,

  • hold your breath for 4 seconds

  • exhale for five seconds

4. Bedtime practice breathing

(Dr Chatterjee)

Repeat as needed until you begin to feel sleepy. One of the main benefits of deep breathing is its ability to help you relax and feel calm.

  • inhale through your nose for three seconds,

  • pause briefly

  • and then exhale through your nose for six seconds.

Tip 2 If you find you still suffer från anxiety or trouble sleeping, nightmares etc. Please consider hypnotherapy as an effective aid. Read more about hypnosis here and the CE-method. Find more information on the blog here.

Learn deep breathing techniques for better health - Learn 4 techniques
Why not, you have nothing to loose - only to gain


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