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Stress Management and Your Health - 12 Tips to Reduce the Negative Effects of Stress

In this article we will cover

  • What stress is

  • How stress works

  • Why stress is negative for your health

  • Hur det påverkar hälsan

  • 12 Tips for self-help

Stress is part of the human basic survival system, known as the "fight or flight" response, which is activated when we face, for example, a threatening situation. This response is critical for survival as it prepares the body to either fight the threat or flee from it.

There is big a difference between short-term stress and long-term stress!

While short-term stress can strengthen the immune system's response (e.g., a cold shower for 1 minute, short interval training), long-term stress can weaken it and make us more susceptible to infections and diseases.

How stress works and why it is negativ for our health

When the stress response is activated, the body undergoes a series of rapid physiological changes

When we feel stressed, the body prioritizes what is most important for survival so that we can handle the situation. This means that certain functions, such as digesting the food we eat and our ability to reproduce, are not seen as equally important at that moment.

The heart rate and blood pressure increase, adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) are released into the bloodstream, and energy is redistributed to the muscles, making us ready for a quick reaction (run fast, fight for survival, etc.). At the same time, other body functions are affected since they become secondary in the body's survival strategy, which can lead to health problems if the stress is prolonged.

But in our modern world, the stress response is often triggered by non-life-threatening challenges.

Such as work pressure, time pressure, financial problems, health issues, or relationship difficulties. The problem arises when this response is activated repeatedly or when the body is constantly in a state of high alert. This can happen, for example, by always rushing to catch the bus, the train, to daycare, to work, to do shopping, etc. Then, you breathe very shallowly, which signals to the body that it is under stress and that it needs to stay alert.

12 tips du behöver läsa för att minska din stress och få bättre hälsa
Stress och hälsa - du kan påverka mer än du tror till bättre hälsa

Why does stress negatively affect our health?

It's important to understand that the body's response to stress is meant to protect and support us in dangerous or demanding situations. However, when the stress response doesn't shut off, or when an individual's ability to cope with stress is inadequate, stress itself becomes a threat to health.

Effectively managing stress requires strategies to both reduce stress responses and improve your ability to cope with stress, including relaxation techniques, exercise, adequate sleep, and professional help when needed.

Understanding the role of stress and its impact on the body is the first step towards wanting to make a change that will ultimately make a big difference. The realization that you can influence your health gives you an advantage!

Chronic stress and prolonged periods of stress can affect nearly every system in the body. It can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, muscle pain, chest pain, fatigue, eczema, rashes, and changes in libido and digestion, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

It can also affect your mood, leading to anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus, overwhelming emotions, irritability or anger, feelings of helplessness, guilt, and even sadness, depression, and burnout.

Behaviorally, stress can lead to overeating or undereating, angry outbursts, substance abuse (such as drugs or alcohol), tobacco use, avoiding friends and staying at home, and reduced physical activity. This creates a downward negative spiral.

Do you recognize yourself? Does it ring a bell?

Please consider seeking help.

You are both a role model and mean a lot to other people.

So take care of yourself!

Prolonged stress reactions can cause

  1. Hormonal imbalances: Prolonged secretion of stress hormones like cortisol can disrupt the body's normal processes and lead to imbalances affecting everything from metabolism to immune system function. Over time, stress can lead to a range of issues, including changes in brain function and structure. Elevated cortisol levels can affect the brain's ability to process information and manage emotions. Please read further down the page for more information on cortisol.

  2. Immune systeme: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infections and illnesses.

  3. Cardiovascular system: Elevated levels of stress hormones can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attacks, and stroke due to increased pressure on the heart and blood vessels. Stress can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases by raising blood pressure and levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. For example, when you're stressed, your body produces more adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to constrict, which can lead to high blood pressure over time. This continuous strain on the heart and blood vessels can increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

  4. Memory and concentration problems: Chronic stress affects brain function, leading to issues with memory and concentration. There are changes in brain structure. Research has shown that prolonged stress can result in physical changes in the brain, including a decrease in volume in certain areas important for memory and emotional regulation, such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. These changes can contribute to symptoms often seen in burnout, such as difficulties with memory, concentration problems, and difficulty managing emotions. An example of this is a student experiencing high stress before exams and as a result having difficulty retaining information or concentrating on studies. Combined with poor sleep, it becomes a negative snowball effect.

  5. Digestive system: Stress can affect digestion and lead to issues such as ulcers, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

  6. Mental health: Stress is strongly linked to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Chronic stress can affect mood, sleep quality, and general feelings of well-being. In connection with this, it can also trigger burnout. Impact on neurotransmitters - Stress and burnout can also affect the levels of various neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a crucial role in regulating mood, motivation, and well-being. Changes in these chemical messengers can contribute to feelings of depression, anxiety, and fatigue commonly seen in burnout. Impaired cognitive function - Individuals experiencing burnout often report problems with cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, and decision-making. Research suggests that stress can affect the brain's ability to perform these tasks efficiently, making it difficult to cope with work-related or daily activities.

  7. Sleep issues: Stress can cause difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, leading to sleep deprivation, lack of deep sleep, and further health problems. Deep sleep plays a critical role in both memory consolidation and the brain's cleaning process. During the deep sleep phase, the brain performs vital functions that directly impact cognition and memory. It is during this phase that the brain can effectively process and archive memories, making it easier for us to remember and learn new things. An interesting aspect of deep sleep is its ability to "cleanse" the brain by washing away toxins that have accumulated during the day, including beta-amyloid, which is linked to Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Anxiety, depression, and burnout: Chronic stress can trigger or worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression. For example, a person experiencing constant work-related stress may feel overwhelmed, helpless, and exhausted, which can lead to anxiety attacks or a deep sense of hopelessness - classic signs of depression. It can further deteriorate into depression with burnout. In this case, the brain's capacity has also been affected. Burnout often leads to emotional difficulties, such as irritability, feelings of hopelessness or helplessness, and a decreased sense of achievement or satisfaction. These feelings can be linked to the changes in brain function and structure caused by prolonged stress.

  9. Weight problems: Stress can lead to both weight gain and weight loss in unhealthy ways. For example, a stressed person may find comfort in food ("stress eating"), which can lead to overeating and weight gain as they often opt for quick carbohydrates/sugary foods. On the other hand, someone with high stress levels may forget to eat or lose their appetite, resulting in weight loss. Both cases can result in nutrient deficiencies, which in turn negatively affect the entire body.

  10. Increased Allergy: Stress can actually lead to a surge in histamine. When the body is exposed to stress, whether it's physical, psychological, or emotional stress, the immune system is activated as part of the body's response to stress. This can result in an increased release of histamine from mast cells. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn can stimulate the release of various substances and hormones that affect the immune system's function. Among these substances is histamine, which can contribute to inflammation and other allergy-like symptoms. This is part of the body's defense mechanism, but in situations where stress is chronic or when the body is sensitive to histamine, this can lead to problems. People who already suffer from conditions such as allergies or histamine intolerance may notice that their symptoms worsen during periods of high stress. It is therefore important to manage stress levels through various methods such as relaxation techniques, exercise, adequate sleep, and other stress-reducing activities to help control the surge of histamine and its effects on the body. Hypnotherapy can be particularly effective in this regard. See how different allergies have been calmed, read more here.

  11. Physical rashes: Histamine surges, eczema, itching, hives, and rashes are common stress responses. Adding cortisone and cortisone cream (a type of steroid) is a common way to manage it, but have you thought about what substance the body receives then? What are the side effects that exist and become an additional strain in the long run? Perhaps it's a good idea to change your stress response instead. *Cortisone is a synthetic version that can be converted into cortisol in the body. When cortisol levels are elevated for a prolonged period, which can occur due to chronic stress, this can lead to a range of negative health effects such as sleep problems, increased inflammation in the body, making the individual insulin resistant, and leading to accumulation of abdominal fat. Long-term high levels of cortisol can also decrease energy metabolism in cells and slow down repair and maintenance of the body, increasing the risk of various diseases. Additionally, imbalance in cortisol levels can contribute to symptoms such as anxiety and worry. See more information at the bottom of the page.

Managing stress effectively with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a well-known method that can help people manage and reduce stress. It enables the body to function more optimally.

By utilizing hypnotherapy, a therapist can assist you in reaching a state of deep relaxation, teaching relaxation techniques, and increasing awareness of your inner thoughts and feelings that create stress. Learning to see different perspectives on what is important and what is not, and how to prioritize, usually leads to the ability to influence and change the thought patterns that contribute to stress.

By understanding how stress affects the body and taking active steps to manage it, we can improve our health and well-being. Hypnotherapy offers tools for stress management, and together with other stress management methods, it can make a significant difference in your life.

12 tips to reduce stress
What can i do about stress? More than you think!


  1. Hypnotherapy: An effective shortcut to getting help to manage old stress and stress responses in the body from various events and trauma, and then reprogramming a different response, can provide highly effective assistance. Similarly, the tools provided in conjunction with stress, such as different exercises, various ways to "switch off work," etc., can be very beneficial. Through these relaxation exercises, you can learn to regulate your relaxation yourself, which also leads to better blood pressure regulation. Find more information about hypnotherapy here

  2. Deep breathing: By creating moments each day where you do between 10-20 deep breaths, you create a pause and an instruction to the body to return to its normal healthy functions. Learn how to do deep breathing on the blog. Learn how to do deep breathing on the blog here

  3. Regular physical activity: Exercise is a powerful stress reducer. It not only helps to reduce levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, but it also promotes the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood enhancers. It is often said that one can "run off" irritation or other negative stress feelings. If you feel reluctant to start exercising, you can also seek help from hypnotherapy to increase your interest and motivation. At ce-hypnosis, Camilla is also a trained athletics coach and can provide you with tips based on your situation and where you are at.

  4. Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or tai chi can help calm the mind and reduce stress. These methods can lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall well-being and help your brain.

  5. Create work-leisure balance: Easier said than done, but having a good balance between work life and personal life is important for reducing stress. Make sure to set aside time for activities you enjoy, such as spending time with friends and family, pursuing hobbies, or simply resting. It's very easy to say, and just the thought of it can be irritating. HOWEVER, with the help of hypnotherapy, one can examine and influence their emotions (often guilt and frustration, feeling inadequate) so that it becomes more possible to find the balance that suits you best.

  6. Maintain a positive attitude: Try to maintain a positive attitude and avoid negative thinking. Methods for positive thinking can include gratitude exercises, reframing situations from a more positive perspective, and practicing self-compassion. It helps to give you more energy. You can read about how to do it here.

  7. Do you have realistic goals? Ensure that your goals and expectations for yourself are realistic. Setting unrealistically high demands on yourself can increase your stress levels. (Especially common with females) Learn to say no to tasks that exceed your resources. Sometimes, one can suffer from the "good girl" syndrome, and it affects more than you think. With the help of hypnotherapy, one can reach and change it to a reasonable level, making the goals realistic and easier to manage the right effort for the right work. If you find yourself having difficulties in saying no - yes you guessed it - hypnotherapy works for that too.

  8. Improve your time management: Effective time management can help you reduce stress by avoiding last-minute panic and deadline pressure. Prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and take breaks when needed. Sometimes, in the rush of things, one forgets to take a few deep breaths and pause, reflect, plan, and then with new fresh oxygen - act.

  9. Find support: Talk to friends and family about your feelings and stressors. Sometimes, just sharing your worries can be enough to feel less stressed. Professional help can also be an option for those who feel they cannot manage their stress on their own. At, Camilla is a professional resource available for booking appointments.

  10. Avoid stimulants: Reduce intake of caffeine, energy drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, as these can increase stress levels or make it harder to manage stress. They also stress adrenal glands, which become even more strained and depleted in the long run. Read about the many recommendations for Magnesium, Zinc, and KSM66 that have been effective and helpful for the body.

  11. Sleep: Prioritize your sleep. Sleep deprivation can exacerbate stress by making you more irritable and less capable of handling stress effectively. (Read more reasons above). Do deep breathing, ask yourself before falling asleep "what went well today" to focus on positive things that help calm the brain. If a thought comes up with something you "should do," write it down on a notepad nearby, then return to deep breathing and the question "what went well today"... More tips and tricks as well as management and assistance are available during hypnotherapy sessions.

  12. Self-talk! How do you talk to yourself? The classic stress words are "must" or "just have to." By simply saying "want to" or "choose to," the coercive feeling will feel and be experienced more as a conscious choice. It also reduces internal stress. There are more tips and information available under hypnotherapy sessions at

Food for thought!

Are you a leader? Do you have children or other situations where you are a role model? Read this:

How you manage yourself gives subtle instructions unconsciously to employees, your children, or close ones. If you neglect yourself, you signal, for example, to your children, who may end up breaking themselves in the end. Similarly, if you push others, you may have missed the knowledge about stress and how it impairs effectiveness in school, at work, or in associations and family.

Therefore, it's a fantastic opportunity for you to pause, reflect, and decide to do something about your stress or those around you. Then, you can also be a healthy role model and leader and make a difference in their health.

Stress Management and Your Health - 12 Tips to Reduce the Negative Effects of Stress
Feeling stressed? Read 12 tips to reduce your stress and improve your health!

*Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands and plays a central role in the body's response to stress. It helps regulate metabolism, blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and also affects the immune system. Cortisol is necessary to maintain stable blood pressure and is involved in metabolic homeostasis, meaning it helps balance the body's internal processes.

When cortisol levels are elevated for an extended period, which can occur as a result of chronic stress, this can lead to a range of negative health effects.

High cortisol levels can cause sleep problems, increase inflammation in the body, make the individual insulin resistant, and lead to accumulation of abdominal fat. Prolonged high levels of cortisol can also decrease cellular energy metabolism and slow down repair and maintenance of the body, increasing the risk of various diseases. Additionally, imbalance in cortisol levels can contribute to symptoms such as anxiety and worry.

To manage elevated cortisol levels, dietary and lifestyle changes are recommended alongside potential supplementation with compounds such as L-Glycine and zinc, which can lower cortisol levels, as well as adaptogens like rhodiola.

However, it's important to understand that these measures should be seen as parts of a larger strategy to manage stress and balance cortisol levels in the long term.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular physical activity, adequate sleep, balanced diet, and stress management techniques can help keep cortisol levels in check and promote overall health and well-being.



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