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  • Poor Self-esteem - How hypnosis truly can help

    Do you sometimes feel like you're not good enough, or find yourself often comparing to others and feeling down? It's completely normal, but help is available, and one of the most exciting and effective methods is hypnotherapy. What is Poor Self-Eestem? Poor self-esteem is a common feeling that many people experience at some point in their lives. It can manifest in various ways such as self-criticism, feeling inadequate, or constantly comparing oneself to others. This type of negative self-perception can lead to significant psychological stress over time and can affect all aspects of a person's life, from personal relationships to professional life. Fortunately, there are effective methods to deal with and improve poor self-esteem, among which hypnotherapy is highly appreciated and effective. Poor self-esteem often radiates a presence/or aura of insecurity, affecting how others perceive you. By changing your inner feelings, your charisma changes, and a door opens to entirely different opportunities! In all areas. How can Poor Self-Esteem Affect Your Life? Poor self-confidence can impact your life in many ways, making everyday life harder. Unnecessarily so! Friends and Family: If you often feel insecure, it can be difficult to be open and relaxed with work, friends and sometimes even family. You might hesitate to express your thoughts or feelings, for fear of not being liked or others thinking poorly of you. This can lead to loneliness and social isolation. Feelings of often being alone or the black sheep in the group. Impact at Work or School: With low self-confidence, it can be challenging to show what you're capable of. You might hesitate to ask for help when needed, or to take on new tasks. This can cause you to miss chances to learn new things or showcase your talents. Exampels Students with low self-confidence may hesitate to participate in class discussions or ask for help when they do not understand, which can affect their learning and academic performance and opportunities. In the workplace, poor self-confidence can make it challenging to take initiative or pursue promotions. You might doubt your abilities and avoid taking on new challenges or leadership roles, which can limit your professional growth and development. In New Situations: Trying new activities or hobbies can feel overwhelming if you don't believe in your own abilities. This might lead to avoiding situations where you could have fun and meet new people. Low self-confidence can lead you to avoid new experiences, like traveling, trying new hobbies, or participating in community activities, limiting your life experiences and over time, and in fact, in the long run worsening your self-confidence. Your Mental Well-Being: When you constantly doubt yourself, it can easily lead to feelings of sadness or anxiety. Poor self-confidence can make small setbacks feel like major defeats, which can make you feel sad or frustrated. Low self-confidence is strongly linked to various mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. One might experience a constant feeling of inadequacy and hopelessness, which can worsen these conditions. Decision Making: If you don't trust your own judgments, it can be hard to make decisions. You might worry a lot about making the wrong choice, which can make everyday decisions stressful. This can lead to feeling stuck in your life situation without the ability to change or improve it. Relationships: In many various ways low-esteem can impact relationships - Sometimes, individuals with low self-esteem may feel unworthy of happiness and subconsciously sabotage their relationships through self-destructive behaviors. - Low self-esteem can lead you to attract negative relationships or partners, as you might not believe you deserve anything better. - Low self-esteem may cause you to let others take advantage of you as you do everything possible to help, yet you still find that no one appreciates your efforts. Even takes you for granted. Why Does Hypnotherapy Work So Well? Hypnotherapy is a therapy form that might be misunderstood as something mystical or strange, but it is actually a very well-established, calm, and pleasant method. This therapy method works with your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind, which controls 95% of actions and emotions. That's why it's so effective. During a hypnotherapy session, a certified therapist guides you into a deeply relaxed state where your mind is more open to positive changes and new ways of thinking. Here are some examples of why hypnotherapy can be the best tool to boost your self-esteem: Identification of Negative Thoughts: During hypnotherapy, the therapist can help the client identify and address the underlying negative thoughts contributing to poor self-esteem. Changing Thought Processes: Using techniques like suggestions and visual metaphors, the hypnotherapist can help plant positive thoughts and self-images in the client. Reinforcing Positive Traits: Hypnotherapy also helps strengthen and more easily perceive your own strengths and positive traits, naturally building up your self-esteem. Taking care of your self-esteem is important for your overall happiness and well-being. But not just for you! It is also important in many ways, as you are often a role model for someone, whether it's your children, family, colleagues, or in the community. If you're curious about hypnotherapy, why not try a session? It could be just the help you need to feel stronger and more confident. Remember, every step towards feeling better is a step worth celebrating.

  • Get to know your wonderful subconscious mind - key to success

    Welcome to a world where change is possible Have you ever felt that old habits, negative triggers, moods, or emotions are holding you back? Deep within our minds, in what we call the subconscious, live our most deeply rooted habits, emotions, and behaviors. Here, in the subconscious, lies the amazing key to positive change Beneath our conscious thoughts and daily concerns, lies a powerful and remarkable mind: the subconscious mind. This is where our most deeply rooted habits, beliefs, and memories reside – hidden from our conscious awareness yet always present and influential in our lives. It governs 95% of your automatic reactions and actions, your emotions, and conclusions. Your internal database The subconscious mind functions like an internal database, constantly operating, collecting, and storing information since childhood. It is shaped by our early experiences and interactions with the world around us. Just like a computer runs its operating system in the background, the subconscious runs our emotional responses, behaviors, and patterns. The foundation of the subconscious mind is formed when we are children (0-7 years) before your critical factor comes into play. Children see the world in their own way and draw their own conclusions. These early experiences and thoughts then become part of the subconscious and can influence how we view the world as adults. Sometimes, this might mean that we carry misconceptions or old beliefs that may no longer be true or serve us. For example, you might have been told or given the impression (through TV, adults, environment, school, bullies etc.) that you cannot do it, are not good enough, feel lonely, unattractive, etc. Which you carry still today. Negative comments and beliefs can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's like a loyal but also stubborn friend who wants to cling to the old and familiar. But what if the familiar no longer serves you? Isn't it time for a change? Double trouble - The brain only looks for answers that fit preconceived notions Meanwhile, our brain works tirelessly, not just to process the information we encounter daily but also to maintain a sense of coherence and stability. This is where we encounter the phenomenon of confirmation bias – the brain's tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that stubbornly confirms our preconceived notions. This creates a kind of echo chamber where new ideas and perspectives, better well-being often struggle to break through. Even when we know better, change can be difficult using your conscious mind. That´s why working with the subconscious mind is so effective. Inner Conflicts Our deeply ingrained, often unconscious beliefs can collide with new information or experiences, creating an internal turbulence that can be difficult to navigate alone. This becomes an inner conflict. A reluctance in the subconscious to change, to adopt new perspectives, or other ways of handling situations (even when the old way no longer works) can create unnecessary inner conflicts that may lead to anxiety, phobias, stress, and worry, as well as frustration and depression, among other things. Triggers - both good and bad, and really bad To understand how this is possible, look at how triggers work. They act like shortcuts that instantly evoke a certain reaction or emotional state, often without us even being aware of it. These can be good, stemming from fun memories and experiences, but also bad. And then there are the really bad ones, traumas. Through hypnotherapy, we can identify these automatic negative reactions and then work to replace them with more positive alternatives. It is a journey through therapy to reprogram the deep, subconscious scripts that control our lives into what you yourself wish to feel or react. There are methods and tools that can help One of the most effective tools we can use to explore and reshape these subconscious patterns is hypnotherapy. Through hypnotherapy, we can reach the deeper layers of our mind in a safe and comfortably relaxed manner, where we can address and adjust negative triggers or limiting beliefs from childhood (e.g., you're not good enough, you'll always be (something negative)...) to something more constructive or positive. It's like reprogramming a computer; hypnotherapy offers the chance to update our internal operating system with more positive, supportive possibilities and behavior patterns that serves you better. Fresh start - Collaboration between the brain and the subconscious At the same time, using hypnotherapy we are given the possibility to address the brain's confirmation bias to allow this change to take root. This means actively challenging our preconceived beliefs and being open to new perspectives and ideas. Hypnotherapy can facilitate this process by opening our minds to new possibilities and helping us see beyond the limitations that we might not have even been aware of. You can take the first step if you want a change. Learning new things – challenging our minds to expand and embrace new information – is crucial in this amazing process. By continuously questioning and revising our beliefs and attitudes, we can avoid stagnation and promote personal growth and development. Ultimately, the collaboration between the brain and the subconscious, with the aid of hypnotherapy, is about creating a more harmonious and integrated cooperation. Enhanced teamwork. It's an amazing journey towards becoming the "better" version of ourselves, free from the unconstructive or limiting patterns and beliefs that have kept us in old negative triggers and reactions. The results can even positively affect your physical body. (see examples from eg. stress effects) Receiving hypnotherapy is like going on a treasure hunt inside yourself. You can find and change the hidden parts that need help to change. And the best part? You can start to feel freer and happier. Hypnotherapy could be the key you've been looking for, the one that unlocks the door to new opportunities. Adding the CE-method is the cherry on top! Why not take the step today and experience for yourself the powerful change that exists? Read more on the website and see what clients have to say through client testimonials.

  • Itchy eyes? Sneezing? Here's how you can reduce the symptoms of pollen and grass allergies as well as hay fever - without side effects!

    As spring blossoms and summer takes hold, we welcome longer days, sunshine, and an explosion of colors in nature. However, for those of you struggling with pollen and grass allergies, the arrival of spring and summer can also mean a time of challenges. The feeling of constantly having a cold, fatigue, with a runny nose, itchy eyes, and endless sneezing attacks, can dull the joy of spring and summer. But what if there was a way to welcome these seasons with open arms, to look forward to them, without the usual allergy troubles? There are methods that can offer help, and one such method is hypnotherapy through the CE- method (Emotional and Cognitive therapy work). Pollen and Grass Allergy, Hay Fever When the grass turns green and the trees bloom, they release pollen that can cause allergic reactions in many people. It is estimated that 10-15% of adults suffer from some form of pollen-related issues. Pollen allergy, also known as hay fever, occurs when the immune system overreacts to pollen from trees, grass, and weeds. Grass allergy in particular involves a reaction to pollen from various grass species. Most types of grass bloom during the midst of the summer, and pollen levels are highest during warm, dry days with light wind. If you are sensitive to one type of grass pollen, it is common to react to several varieties. This can lead to allergy symptoms from early spring to late autumn. Common Symptoms of Pollen Allergy Symptoms of these allergies include: Runny or stuffy nose Itchy, red, or swollen eyes Sneezing Fatigue and irritability Headache Feeling of being unwell Almost asthma feeling Cross-Allergy: When food can cause problems A phenomenon commonly associated with pollen and grass allergies is cross-allergy. This means that if you are allergic to a specific type of pollen, you may also react to certain foods that contain similar protein structures. Tired of it, what can you do? An alternative solution without side-effects. Now for the good news: hypnotherapy, especially through the use of the CE method (Cognitive-Emotional), is proving to be a promising therapy method for managing and even reducing allergy symptoms. This method works by restructuring the cognitive and emotional responses that the body has to allergens. The CE method has been developed by  over 15 years and has proven to be very effective. How can I benefit from this therapy and how does it work? You can read more about how a session is structured here. In the case of pollen allergies, the session is entirely focused on the allergy itself and consists of several steps. By creating a comfortable state of deep relaxation, the therapy can begin. The therapy starts using hypnotherapy and the CE-method. Among other things, various mental exercises are conducted, and the client's subconscious can then understand and become more receptive to positive suggestions and ideas and ways to handle the immune response. At the end, a mental test is conducted to assess how it feels. Sometimes this is done outdoors on-site, otherwise in a conscious state. In general, only 2-3 sessions are needed. A healthy alternative to consider - without side effects! For those struggling with pollen and grass allergies, hypnotherapy with the CE method offers hope for better days. It is a complementary therapy without side effects that can help change your symptoms and improve your quality of life during spring and summer. If you are interested in trying this method, you are welcome to send a contact or booking request. Remember, even though spring and summer can be challenging for allergy sufferers, there are strategies and complementary alternative therapies that can help you enjoy these seasons more easily.

  • A change for the better using hypnosis

    A World of change for the better by using your own resources through hypnotherapy and suggestive therapy I am a certified hypnotherapist with years of experience helping individuals improve their lives through the power of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a tool that can be used to help people overcome a wide range of issues, from anxiety and stress to phobias and limitations. With my expertise in hypnotherapy, I am here to help guide you on a journey of self-discovery, inner healing, and personal growth. Unlock your own power with hypnotherapy Using my skills in hypnosis, I will work with you to help you achieve your goals, whether it be reducing symptoms of anxiety or stress, overcoming a fear or phobia, or breaking free from certain addictions. I believe that everyone has the power to transform their lives, and with my guidance, you can tap into that power and achieve possibilities to reach your potential. Curious to experience hypnosis? So, whether you're just curious about hypnosis or are looking for a transformative experience, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let's work together to unlock the power of your mind and help you achieve the life you've always wanted. Read about how it works and what clients experience There are so incredibly many benefits when you meet an experienced certified hypnotherapist. Want proof? - Read what previous clients share in their testimonials it can give you an idea how powerful and effective your body and mind is. Find research and studies that show you the amazing tool hypnotherapy truly is. Find tips (search in blog) that you can use right now. At once. I share free tips. Read more in depth in the articles about hypnosis, placebo, and how you can heal traumas and change what you perceive is more YOU. That beautiful person you are, but limited with old patterns and emotions. You have the ability to change to the better, so let me help and guide you to the best version of yourself. No more excuses - you are allowed to feel better! Contact me if you would like to hear if hypnotherapy, suggestions or mind training can help you.

  • Tips for Gastritis: How to Alleviate Gastritis

    Gastritis, or the inflammation of the stomach lining, can cause discomfort and pain. There are various ways to relieve the symptoms and improve your chances of recovery. Below are some effective tips, along with the most common dietary recommendations, to manage and alleviate gastritis. What Triggers Gastritis Stress is a bigger culprit than many might think, along with alcohol, tobacco, coffee, spicy, fatty, and smoked foods, as well as acidic beverages. You should also avoid painkillers containing ibuprofen and salicylic acid, as they can cause acute gastritis. Eating good food in moderate amounts, combined with regular eating habits, helps many. If you manage your stress, your stomach will have the chance to heal itself. (Learn more here about how to manage stress) This is what you can do 1. Avoid stomach irritating foods When it comes to managing gastritis, it's important to adjust your diet to reduce irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining. Here are some common dietary tips and explanations for why it can be beneficial to follow them: Avoid alcohol: Alcohol can further damage the stomach lining and increase the production of stomach acid, which usually worsens gastritis. Avoiding or significantly reducing alcohol consumption protects your stomach. Limit caffeine intake: Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, regular tea (herbal teas are fine), and certain sodas can increase stomach acid production and worsen symptoms of gastritis. It's wise to limit these drinks to reduce the risk of irritation. If you find it hard to give up coffee, consider switching to an instant coffee as doesn't have the same acid and a lower caffeine. Avoid spicy foods: Spicy spices usually irritate the stomach lining and increase the production of stomach acid, leading to more pain and discomfort if you suffer from gastritis. By reducing the intake of spicy food, you can help decrease irritation. (Cayenne pepper seems to be an exception according to some research and may instead help heal the stomach, but use it sparingly). Wrong fatty foods: Fatty foods can be hard to digest and can cause a delay in the emptying of the stomach, which increases the risk of acid reflux. By eating less fatty foods, you can lessen the burden on your stomach. Fried and greasy foods such as hamburgers, fries, pizza, and chips are especially bad. Virgin Coconut oil seem to be the exception and can actually help in moderate amount. Citrus fruits and juices and tomato-based products: These foods are naturally acidic and can therefore worsen symptoms of gastritis fore many individuals. If you notice that these foods exacerbate your symptoms, it might be beneficial to reduce them in your diet. Raw onion: If you suffer from gastritis, you should be careful with consuming raw onion as it can be irritating to the stomach and worsen symptoms of gastritis. Raw onion contains compounds that can stimulate the stomach's production of acid, leading to discomfort and irritation. Therefore, it's better to avoid raw onion if you have a sensitive stomach or gastritis. 2. Eat stomach-friendly foods Certain foods are gentler on the stomach and can help alleviate the symptoms of gastritis. These include: Bananas: Bananas are soft, mild, and naturally low in acid, making them a good option for calming the stomach as a snack. They can also help strengthen the stomach lining. Green bananas are particularly healthy. Cooked Vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, and zucchini are nutritious and easy to digest when well-cooked. However, avoid raw or overly spicy vegetables that may irritate the stomach. Oatmeal: Whole grain products like oatmeal are rich in fiber, which can help regulate digestion. They are also gentle on the stomach and contribute to a feeling of fullness without causing irritation. Enjoy it with apple jam and cinnamon for additional benefits. Lean Protein Sources: Chicken, turkey, and fish prepared without a lot of fat or strong spices are good options because they are easy to digest and do not burden the stomach as much as fattier meats. Scrambled or boiled eggs are also suitable. Ginger and Turmeric: In small amounts, ginger and turmeric can help reduce nausea and promote digestion. However, they should be used sparingly until the stomach improves, as too much can irritate the stomach. Potatoes/Sweet potatoes: Cooked or steamed potatoes can be a good choice as they are easy to digest and low in fiber, making them gentle on an irritated stomach. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is believed to have a soothing effect on the stomach and can help reduce inflammation and relieve cramps. Rice: White rice is easy to digest and rarely irritates the stomach. It can help bind the stool in cases of loose stools. However, rice can develop mold if left out for too long. It is generally recommended to discard leftover rice and cook fresh for each meal. Fermented Vegetables: Fermented foods like sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables can be beneficial for gastritis because they are probiotic foods. Probiotic foods can have a positive impact on various stomach issues, including gastritis, as they contain beneficial bacteria that can contribute to better gut health. However, start with a small amount daily along with other foods to gradually accustom the stomach. Coconut Milk/Coconut Oil: Regarding coconut oil and gastritis, opinions are mixed. Some believe that coconut oil can be soothing for the stomach due to its antibacterial properties, while others find that its high saturated fat content can exacerbate gastritis symptoms. It's important to listen to your body and see how it reacts to coconut oil. If you find that your symptoms worsen, consider reducing intake or excluding it entirely from your diet. Less fatty coconut milk might therefore be an alternative. Olive Oil: Generally considered gentle on the stomach, olive oil can be beneficial for people with gastritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining. However, as with all foods, it's important to note how your body reacts to olive oil. If you find that your symptoms worsen after consuming olive oil, you should reduce the intake or avoid it altogether. Choosing these foods can help minimize irritation in the stomach and promote better digestion. Remember that individual responses to different foods can vary, so it is important to listen to your own body and adjust your diet to what feels best for you. If you are unsure about what you can and cannot eat, consider consulting a doctor or dietitian. In the long term, once the stomach improves, fermented vegetables are a good alternative to probiotics as they contain a large and healthy amount of probiotics. 3. Eat Smaller and More Frequent Meals Eating large meals can increase the strain on your stomach and lead to increased acid production. Try instead to eat smaller, more frequent meals to help reduce symptoms. 4. Avoid Eating Just Before Bedtime Lying down directly after eating can increase the risk of acid reflux. Try to wait at least three hours after eating before going to bed. 5. Manage Stress - as stress is often the culprit behind your gastritis Stress is known to exacerbate the symptoms of gastritis and is often the cause of it. Finding ways to manage stress, such as through hypnotherapy, meditation, yoga, calming breathing exercises, or walking, can help alleviate your symptoms. It's about relaxing, choosing your health, and allowing yourself to engage in something that is relaxing. Allow yourself the time to recover. 6. Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy has proven to be effective for many people in managing stomach pain, gastritis, and IBS. By using relaxation techniques and suggestive therapy, hypnotherapy can help reduce stress and thus decrease the symptoms of gastritis. It may be worth considering this, especially if traditional methods have not been effective or if you have long-term gastritis. It is preferable to start hypnotherapy as soon as possible to minimize and change the physical impact of stress and alter stress responses. At CE-hypnosis, you can get help managing stress, old stress, and traumas, but also assistance in changing your diet. If it's hard to let go of hamburgers, soda, coffee, or chips, hypnosis can help you so that you are in control and choose what you need to heal your stomach for the moment. You will also receive some breathing exercises that strengthen the nerves and the stomach. By following these tips and making conscious choices about your diet and lifestyle, you can help alleviate the symptoms of gastritis and improve your overall health. Remember to listen to your body and adapt these recommendations to your own needs and reactions.

  • Learn deep breathing techniques for better health - Learn 4 techniques of breathwork here

    Breathing techniques are an invaluable tool in our daily lives for managing stress, boosting energy, and improving our physical and mental health. Here you will find some valuable breathing techniques to try and see what works for you. Remember, effective breathing isn't just about inhaling fresh air; it's equally about properly expelling old air. As you breathe in new air and expel the old, your blood becomes oxygenated. Deep breathing is known to slow down the heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and positively impact your mental state. You will find 4 methods to try out here and see what suits you. Important! Breathe correctly When you are stressed, you do not inhale as much air as you normally would. Your breathing becomes fast, irregular, and shallow. A body that does not receive enough oxygen will not function optimally because cells depend on oxygen to thrive. In the short term, this can lead to difficulties in focusing and thinking clearly. It is almost impossible to feel calm while you are breathing rapidly. Over time, incorrect breathing can even be harmful to your health. By making sure to breathe into your lungs and "stomach" now and then throughout the day, you help yourself. Breathe deeply, fill the lungs and all the way down into the stomach during the deep breathing exercises. When you take deep breaths, make sure to use your full lung capacity and breathe all the way down to your stomach. Fill every nook and cranny. Breathe in and out through your nose. Take deep, rhythmic, and slow breaths that make your abdomen and chest rise and fall. It is recommended that we breathe through our nose (recent research showed major health benefits). Tip 1 Make it a point to plan breathing better once or several times a day. It's a wonderful way to counteract everyday stress, enhance your energy, and strengthen your physical and mental wellbeing. Show your children how to do it too. It can help both going to sleep but also before exams or other events in life. 4 different breathing exercises 1. Breathing using the 7 - 4 - 7 technique (CE-hypnosis) This technique is focusing on calming the nervous system by concentrating on both the counting and the breathing. It is perfect before something stressful, during something stressful and after... it is also perfect for going to sleep. Repeat as needed. For calming - do the breathing technique for 3-5 breaths For relaxation - do the exercise 10-20 breaths For sleep - do + 20 breathes and imagine you walking down some stairs or in a beautiful safe and calm surrounding into a perfectly comfortable gently rocking hammock, or the most perfect bed until you sleep. 2. The Box breathing technique The Box Breathing technique, also known as Square Breathing or Four-Square Breathing, is a method used to reduce stress and improve concentration. Imagine a square. Each "side" of the box (inhalation, holding, exhalation, holding) should last for the same four-second duration, forming a "box" pattern in terms of time. Typically, this breathing exercise is repeated for four minutes, or until calm and focused. Find a Comfortable Position: Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the ground, or you can do it lying down. Make sure your back is straight. Close your eyes if it helps you concentrate. Inhale: Breathe in slowly through your nose, mentally counting to 4. Try to fill your lungs completely. Hold Your Breath: Keep the air inside while you count slowly to 4 again. Try not to clamp your mouth or nose shut; simply avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds. Exhale: Slowly exhale through your mouth for another count of 4, expelling the air from your lungs and abdomen. Hold Again: After exhaling, hold your breath once more for a count of 4 before beginning the cycle again. 3. The breathing technique 3 - 4 - 5 (Dr Chatterjee) Repeat this process several times, or for up to five minutes. This simple exercise can immediately alleviate stress and anxiety. Inhale for 3 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds exhale for five seconds 4. Bedtime practice breathing (Dr Chatterjee) Repeat as needed until you begin to feel sleepy. One of the main benefits of deep breathing is its ability to help you relax and feel calm. inhale through your nose for three seconds, pause briefly and then exhale through your nose for six seconds. Tip 2 If you find you still suffer från anxiety or trouble sleeping, nightmares etc. Please consider hypnotherapy as an effective aid. Read more about hypnosis here and the CE-method. Find more information on the blog here.

  • Learn the difference between Pollen allergy and a cold, so that you can handle it the most efficient way.

    Is it Pollen allergy / Hay Fever or is it a Cold affecting your spring season? Read and you'll find the tips to distinguishing between these two common conditions. Understanding the difference is key to finding the right approach to deal with it, allowing you to get back to enjoying the season. Spring is a wonderful time, but if you suffer from pollenallergy or hay fever, it can for sure bring certain challenges. It’s common to mistake the symptoms of pollen allergy for those of a common cold because the body's reactions are strikingly similar: both pollen and viruses can cause inflammation leading to a runny nose, sneezing, and fatigue. Differences between Pollen allergy and a cold There are clear signs to help you determine what you're actually suffering from. Pollen allergy and Hay fever often causes prolonged discomfort that varies with the weather and wind, while a cold tends to be more short-lived and is often accompanied by a fever. Clear signs of Pollen allergy and Hay fever: Symptoms lasting for several weeks Frequent sneezing, especially in bursts. Itchy and red eyes. Fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell. Clear runny nose along with nasal congestion. Feeling unwell. Possible wheezing if the allergy also affects your airways. To alleviate Pollen Allergy and Hay fever symptoms, you might explore methods like the CE method with hypnotherapy, which can reduce the body's allergic response, thus decreasing your need for medication and problems in spring and summer. You can find more information in the menu about Pollen Allergy, including how many have found relief from their symptoms and how it works. And also the science, research and studies plus information about how and why it works. You can find more information on the blog about Pollen Allergy and Hayfever plus Asthma here On the other hand, if you have a cold, you can often expect: Symptoms that disappear after about a week. Possible fever. Sore throat. Thick nasal discharge that may be yellowish in color. Headache and feeling uncomfortable. Feeling unwell. To alleviate cold symptoms, it's best to rest and allow your body to fight the virus. Vitamins, particularly various forms of Vitamin C, and zinc are known to be beneficial during this time to support the body's needs. Remember to stay hydrated, especially if you have a fever. Some find relief for their throat with cold lemon water, others with cold peppermint tea, while some prefer warm beverages like tea, preferably with a slice of lemon. Honey - Many may not know that the fantastic properties of honey can be lost when heated above 40 degrees Celsius. Now that you've learned a bit about the differences, you'll know whether you have a cold or pollen allergy. Why not stay ahead of your Pollen allergy and see how you can more easily manage the symptoms with my expertise in hypnotherapy and the CE-method. Imagine what a significant difference it can do for the rest of your life!

  • Grief - there is help to heal you within

    It can take some time to go through grief and sadness. Everyone go through grief and sadness and loss somehow in life. We handle these emotions differently depending on culture, belief and circumstances. But there is real help to heal your inner wounds and grief. We work to help ease the pain into softer memories that are more manageable and provide the opportunity to live a little easier. Grief comes in various forms and expressions Some people distract themselves with other things, such as working more and harder, while slightly missing out on life itself, all to numb and keep away the feelings. Others may express themselves through aggression, anxiety, guilt if they feel better or even if they laugh, loneliness, isolation, weight gain, weight loss, stress, and sleep problems. Over time, this causes significant wear and tear on the body and leads to various negative side effects. At that time in life, we usually don´t care. It is too much. But there is a way to ease your pain. What we often forget and have a hard time to consider is that when we are in mourning, the environment around us also gets affected and suffers quietly. If a family member has passed away, the adult might find it difficult to take care of the children and their grief. By processing the grief with me, you can mourn in a softer way while also being able to cope with daily life more easily. Give yourself the chance to cross the threshold into inner peace. Not only for you, but for your near and dear. Ease your pain. It is usually enough with only one session. You will be taken care of, and you will be safe here. Please consider aiding yourself and feel free to book a session.

  • Struggling with anger? Tired of feeling upset? Anger management that is effective!

    Anger, outbursts, rage, or getting upset have various functions. However, when it becomes excessive or out of proportion, something underneath triggers it. It can ruin relationships and have negative effects in many other situations. This impacts not only the person who becomes unnecessarily angry but also family, friends, and colleagues who might hesitate to speak up or show their feelings. Sadly, everyone loses in this scenario Anger and aggression always stem from something deeper. Anger is a powerful emotion, and in reality, one loses control when they become too angry or have outbursts. It's here that amazing changes can be made, enabling you to remain calm and focused, viewing situations from a balanced perspective without exaggeration. As a result, you can address situations more effectively, even feeling satisfied afterward. For instance, If all emotions were detached and you saw the situation for what it truly was, you wouldn't have gotten angry. Instead, you'd discern how best to handle the situation in a calm, confident, and constructive manner. The result? You gain respect, are perceived by others as more reliable and stable, and come across as a strong leader. It's all advantages. My clients have already received tremendous assistance. ​ They have gained greater self-confidence and more realistic expectations of themselves without anger A enjoyable sense of inner calmness Been able to relax while still being efficient without the same inner stress More confidence in public speaking or during meetings Discovered inner abilities that were suppressed by anger and can now finally be utilized Having more fun, enjoying life more Family and friends have experienced more joy together and dared to relax. ​ There are only wonderful benefits when changing unnecessary aggression both in health and life Is anger hereditary? No, not in my experience! However, as a child, one might often mimic patterns from family and relatives or as a cooping mechanism. A kind of survival strategy that perhaps worked at that time, when it was needed. It can be changed through various methods. Some anger is healthy in certain areas It can protect and help us defend against harmful things or events, allowing us to extricate ourselves from the situation. Anger can also be used positively, prompting you to take action, to stand up against something. Being angry and daring to say "stop!" when you're treated unfairly or when someone behaves poorly. However - there's a significant difference between getting angry and taking action by saying "stop" and having an outburst and losing control." Anger should serve as a defense protocol where one reacts appropriately to the situation they are in. Different aggression exists Passive aggression Passive aggression is expressed in cynicism, pessimism, bitterness, sharp sarcasm which can lead to backbiting, undermining, and procrastinating. The aggression is present, but it is passive. Suppresst anger Not daring to express one's opinions, or stand up for one's needs (reasonable ones) can lead to feelings of resignation and hopelessness. The anger is often turned inward, manifesting as negative and ruminative thoughts about others and oneself, doubting one's own abilities and competence. Anger can give many negative effects Anger is rooted in many emotions, ranging from frustration to feeling unseen, attacked, stressed, unloved, hated or hating others, hopelessness, incompetence, unimportant, self-critical, powerless, belittled, and so on. It also arises when one doesn't dare to acknowledge their own "negative" traits and blames others all the time. It becomes a Catch-22 that doesn't lead to anything positive. Anger creates emotions in the body! They need to be released in some way. That's why there are ONLY benefits if you transform it into something that works FOR you instead." Inward-directed anger One can direct it inward, leading to high blood pressure, headaches, muscle pain, stress issues, difficulty sleeping, and more... Outward-directed anger Even worse, one can direct it outward and harm oneself or others. Anger from Trauma Read more about how you can change your anger within from previous known or un-known Trauma here. An effective method to reduce anger actually exists - easier than you might think Using my various methods within hypnotherapy, I have already helped many to handle their anger in a more constructive way for themselves and their surroundings. It makes a huge difference. Both a relief and the ability to handle situations more constructively, without losing control. The healthy "no" anger remains - where one dares to say stop. (See also my tips on self-help change here)

  • Free from Trauma using hypnotherapy with Camilla at

    Diving into the world of therapeutic options to recover from trauma, simply be free from trauma, there are several methods available. One of them is sessions with Camilla at ce-hypnosis. In her specialized approach using several methods, amongst others hypnotherapy, trauma release sessions offer a beacon of hope for those struggling with trauma. As more individuals seek out innovative methods to overcome past traumas, the efficiency of hypnotherapy, especially under the guidance of professionals like Camilla, is gaining momentum. With a blend of science-backed techniques and individual set plans in care, being free from trauma, actually trauma release is not just about methods; it's about personal beneficial transformation. Freedom! In this article, we'll explore the intricacies of trauma, the transformative power of hypnotherapy, and how Camilla's unique approach is giving her clients the benefits overcoming traumas, simply releasing them so that they can be free from past traumas. Camilla is not your everyday hypnotherapist. She brings with her years of experience, dedication, and a unique approach to managing and releasing trauma. Benefits of this method for Trauma release Imagine that you under a shorter period of time, (compared to how long you have had your trauma) can change within to feel better and release past traumas. With my own specialised method at ce-hypnosis, in combination with other tools my clients are given, can help release trauma and instead give you as a client, focus on a new future feeling calmer within. The science behind hypnotherapy In simplified terms, hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious, guiding it to reshape negative patterns. Camilla also uses other methods such as changing old patterns with new positive thoughts and ideas using suggestions and mental rehearsing. Hypnotherapy sessions: What to expect The initial consultation It starts with a conversation. Share your story, understand the process, and set clear expectations. It's not magic, gone in an instant, but removing and changing layer by layer of trauma until your best version of yourself is free. Think of it like a deep meditation session. Camilla's soothing voice will lead you into a trance-like state, addressing and managing the root causes of trauma. Subsequent sessions You'll dive deeper with each session, gradually freeing yourself from the chains of trauma. Possible Concerns and Their Resolutions Let's address the elephant in the room. Debunking myths about hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is NOT about controlling your mind. It's about empowerment. Ensuring the safety of the patient Your safety and comfort are Camilla's top priorities. She's trained to navigate through sessions with utmost care. Conclusion Trauma need not be a life sentence. With professionals like Camilla and the powerful tools and methods she uses, freedom is not just a dream but a tangible reality. FAQs Is hypnotherapy safe? Absolutely! Under the guidance of trained professionals like Camilla, it's a safe and effective therapy. How many sessions will I need? Everyone's journey is unique. Some may need a few sessions, while others might require more. Will I remember what happens during the session? Most likely, yes. It's similar to recalling a dream. Can everyone be hypnotized? While most can, it does require willingness and trust. Are the effects of hypnotherapy long-lasting? Yes, especially when combined with other therapeutic techniques and regular follow-ups.

  • How emotional states affects your physical health

    Unraveling the Mind-Body Connection: The Power of Emotions and Hypnotherapy in Shaping Our Health Have you ever wondered if the way you feel could actually influence your physical health? Well, you're in for a fascinating journey into the world of emotions, thoughts, and their remarkable impact on our well-being. Let's dive into some intriguing research that connects our inner emotional world to our physical health, especially our immune system. Imagine this: your thoughts and feelings are like gentle, yet potent, messengers coursing through your body, reaching every cell, delivering unique instructions. This isn't just a flight of fancy but is grounded in the amazing science of epigenetics, which shows us how deeply interconnected our minds, emotions, and physical health really are. You will find some studies at the end of this page. You have probably heard or read about stress and how stress impacts your body down to your very cell. but there's more than just stress. The Mind-Body Connection Consider a study focusing on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the brain, particularly linked to emotions like depression. Researchers discovered something startling: heightened activity in the right PFC, associated with distressing thoughts, correlated with a weaker antibody response to flu shots. Conversely, more activity in the left PFC, associated with positive emotions, led to a better antibody response. This fascinating finding hints at how our emotional states might directly influence our immune system, though the exact pathways remain a tantalizing mystery. Relationship between emotions and immune response Another study employed a meticulous time-series analysis to unravel the relationship between our daily emotional states and immune response. Participants recorded their emotions regularly and gave urine samples for neopterin levels—a marker of immune system activity. The results? A clear correlation between emotional states and immune activity, underscoring the powerful influence of our psychological well-being on our physical health. Psychoneuroimmunology: The Crossroads of Mind, Nerves, and Immunity Adding another layer to this intricate puzzle is the field of psychoneuroimmunology, which explores the interactions among psychological factors, the nervous system, and the immune system. It's been found that stress and negative emotions can dampen our immune response, making us more prone to illnesses. On the other hand, positive emotions and a stable mental state seem to bolster our immune system's efficacy. Hence why hypnotherapy, meditation, positive intent, gratitude and joy can aid your wellbeing. Epigenetics breakthrough - why it matters Now, let's talk about epigenetics, where the information through experiments was revealed. It's like a secret conversation between our experiences and our DNA. Stress, for example, doesn't just make us feel uneasy; it actively prompts our genes to behave differently. Studies with stressed medical students revealed changes in the expression of about 24 genes. These shifts can lead to longer healing times, suppressed immune function, and more. But the silver lining? We have the power to influence these changes positively! Stress and Its Underestimated Impact on Health Lets look a bit deeper into stress, our not-so-friendly companion. When you're under stress, say, during an intense work project or when dealing with personal challenges, your body is not just idly standing by. It's actively responding. Research has shown that in such times, our genes can change their behavior. Temporary stress These changes can have a range of effects, including longer wound healing times, decreased intercellular communication, suppressed immune system, poorer inflammation response, and increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and infections. These findings illustrate the profound impact stress can have on our bodies at a cellular level. Stress is often seen as a temporary, albeit uncomfortable, part of life. However, its impact on our physical health can be more profound than we realize. Don´t stress about it, do something about it! Yes you can. Chronic stress can lead to: Weakened Immune System: Making you more susceptible to illnesses. Increased Inflammation: Potentially exacerbating conditions like arthritis and heart disease. Hormonal Imbalances: Affecting everything from mood to metabolism. Digestive Issues: Such as IBS or chronic indigestion. Sleep Disorders: Impacting overall health and well-being. But knowing how you can change it also gives us the amazing insight that we can change again! We can do something about it! Hypnotherapy: A Pathway to Positive Change Hypnotherapy can be a game-changer in mitigating these negative effects of stress. By inducing a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, it allows individuals to: Reframe Stressful Thoughts: Transforming the perception of stressors and reducing their impact. Promote Deep Relaxation: Counteracting the 'fight or flight' response and fostering a state of calm. Enhance Emotional Regulation: Helping to manage emotions like anxiety and depression more effectively. Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection: Encouraging a healthier response to emotional challenges. Foster Positive Lifestyle Changes: Supporting habits that contribute to overall well-being. The Empowering Journey with Hypnotherapy Incorporating hypnotherapy into your wellness routine can be a transformative amazing experience. It's not just about learn how to handle symptoms but about empowering you to take control of your emotional and physical health. By addressing the root causes of stress and emotional blocks, hypnotherapy paves the way for a more balanced, healthy life. Whether you're struggling with deep-seated emotional issues, chronic stress, or simply seeking a more harmonious connection between your mind and body, hypnotherapy offers a very comfortable relaxing yet effective path. A short-cut to quicker effective help. Giving our cells better help - is something you can do! The bright side: our happy, positive emotions are equally powerful. When we engage in activities that bring us joy and peace, like practicing yoga, meditating, being grateful, feeling joy or simply enjoying a hearty laugh with friends, we're not just lifting our spirits; we're also sending waves of positive energy/help to our cells. These activities have been linked to beneficial changes in our gene expression, kind of like a happy lullaby that helps our cells function at their best. A help to the cells to get powered up and strong. Positive thoughts and emotions can lead to beneficial changes at the cellular level. It's like sending a love letter as instructions to our cells, giving them help to work at their best. The story gets even more heartwarming. People with a strong sense of spirituality or belief in a higher power, like those with HIV/AIDS in certain studies, have shown remarkable resilience. Their strong beliefs and feelings of being loved and supported by a higher power appeared to slow the progression of their illness. It's as if their belief provided a shield, guarding their physical well-being. And it's not just about fighting illness. Our mental states can even influence how we heal. Studies have shown that a positive outlook can lead to faster recovery from surgeries and better overall health outcomes. Hypnotherapy before and after a surgery has shown increase in recovery sometimes up to 50% faster. Read more here. So, every thought, every emotion you experience, is like a note in the symphony of your life, resonating through your body, influencing your health and well-being. It's a beautiful reminder of how our inner world is intricately connected to our physical existence, each thought and feeling contributing to the ongoing narrative of our health. Some of it can perhaps be explained by The Placebo effect and its negative Nocebo - read more here. Isn't it simply magical to realize the power of our inner world is shaping our health and life story? And that we can affect it. This is why hypnotherapy is so efficient to help find more things to be grateful about, things to appreciate and enjoy This emerging research paints a compelling picture of how our thoughts and emotions are not just fleeting, intangible experiences, but powerful forces that can shape our physical health through epigenetic mechanisms. It's a testament to the profound interconnectedness of our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In a nutshell, what we think and feel isn't just in our heads. It's a conversation that echoes right down to our cells, affecting our health and well-being in profound ways. It's like our body's way of listening to your minds conversations together with the attached emotions and simply responding to it. Isn't that just wonderful to think about? What possibilities that entails. So take the opportunity to read all the tips in this blog about how YOU can make some changes by yourself. Search under tips. Is it difficult? What if I cannot do it. - I am here to help! If you're intrigued by the potential of hypnotherapy to enhance your well-being, why not explore it further? There's a world of emotional healing and physical health benefits waiting for you. To begin this transformative journey, feel free to book a session using the form below. Together, we can unlock your full potential for health, happiness, and fulfillment. Let's take this step towards a healthier, more vibrant you. What are you waiting for? Why not do it? You have nothing to loose. Studies There are many many studies in this field. You will find a few here. Google and search for more if you like to learn more. The scientific world is having to rethink its priorities as it discovers that invisible human emotions have profound epigenetic effects. —Dawson Church What you are feeling influences your genes. The Role of Epigenetics in Psychological Resilience - PMC National Library of Medicine - Biotechnology information Epigenetics Underlying Susceptibility and Resilience Relating to Daily Life Stress, Work Stress, and Socioeconomic Status Michael G. Gottschalk,1 Katharina Domschke,1,2 and Miriam A. Schiele1,* A review of epigenetics in human consciousness Mitchell B. Liester, Erin E. Sullivan, Peter Walla Epigenetic Genes and Emotional Reactivity to Daily Life Events: A Multi-Step Gene-Environment Interaction Study Ehsan Pishva, 1 Marjan Drukker, 1 Wolfgang Viechtbauer, 1 Jeroen Decoster, 1 Dina Collip, 1 Ruud van Winkel, 1 Marieke Wichers, 1 Nele Jacobs, 1 , 2 Evert Thiery, 3 Catherine Derom, 4 Nicole Geschwind, 5 Daniel van den Hove, 1 , 6 Tineke Lataster, 1 Inez Myin-Germeys, 1 Jim van Os, 1 , 7 Bart P. F. Rutten,# 1 , * and Gunter Kenis# 1 Psychological and biological resilience modulates the effects of stress on epigenetic aging The biology of Belief - Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, Cell biologist and lecturer Cloning stem cells - The Jump From Cell Culture to Consciousness Research at Stanford University's School of Medicine between 1987 and 1992 revealed that the environment, operating through the membrane, controls the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off.

  • Reduce pollen allergy using hypnotherapy

    Pollenallergi Löddeköpinge Pollen allergy is a health problem that affects many people worldwide, approximately 10-15% of the adult population, which can be very troublesome and limiting for those who suffer from it. But there is great effects in the form of hypnotherapy, an alternative method that has been shown to be effective in reducing the symptoms of pollen allergy. Research has shown positive effects of hypnotherapy on individuals suffering from pollen allergy. By affecting the autonomic nervous system and providing positive suggestions, hypnotherapy can help the body to relax and reduce the reaction to the allergen. You can also see testimonials of how hypnotherapy has already helped individuals under 'client testimonials". Many can make the mistake of thinking they have a mild cold, when in fact, it is a mild pollenallergy Pollen allergy is a common health problem that affects many people around the world. Symptoms of pollen allergy can include a runny nose, tiredness, headache, sneezing, itching, and swelling in the eyes, and can be very troublesome and limiting for those who suffer from it. There are different seasons depending on where you live, spring, summer and late summer that have different kinds of pollen. You may not be allergic to all. There are many treatment options available for pollen allergy, including medication and traditional therapies. However, another alternative treatment method that has been shown to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of pollen allergy is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to create an altered state of consciousness in a person. During hypnosis, it is possible to access deep parts of the brain that are not always available when a person is in a normal state of consciousness. This makes it possible to influence behavior, emotions, and thoughts in a positive way. How does Hypnotherapy work in helping reduce Pollenallergy? Hypnotherapy works by affecting the autonomic nervous system, which is the system in the body that controls bodily functions such as heart rate and breathing. When a person is in an altered state of consciousness during hypnosis, the hypnotherapist can provide positive suggestions that help the body relax and reduce the reaction to the allergen. How long does the reduced pollen Allergy last? So far - for good. By following the directions and suggestions the clients so far has had it changed for good. How many sessions are usually needed? So far, for lasting change, 2-3 sessions are needed. Pretty good news! That will include the hypnotherapy, the CE-method and the suggestions/relaxotherapy which has this great effect. Imagine how your life would change ... when that limitations is changed! Research and studies on pollen allergy and hypnosis Research has shown that hypnotherapy can be effective in reducing symptoms of pollen allergy. There are several studies showing the positive effects of hypnotherapy in treating pollen allergy. Study in European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology An additional study published in the European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology examined the effects of hypnotherapy on individuals suffering from pollen allergy and concomitant asthma. The study showed that individuals who received hypnotherapy experienced a reduction in both asthma and allergy symptoms, as well as improvements in their quality of life. Study in European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Another study published in the same journal examined the effects of hypnotherapy on individuals suffering from rhinitis and asthma caused by pollen allergy. The study showed that individuals who received hypnotherapy experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of rhinitis and asthma, including decreased sneezing, nasal congestion, and coughing. Article in Psychologyl Today Jan 22, 2022 Treating Allergic Reactions With Hypnosis “Rewriting” a memory can be the key to improvement. Study in American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis examined the effects of hypnotherapy on individuals suffering from pollen allergy. The study showed that individuals who received hypnotherapy experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of pollen allergy, including decreased sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Study in Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Another study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2005 examined the effects of hypnotherapy on individuals suffering from allergic asthma. The study showed that individuals who received hypnotherapy experienced a significant reduction in symptoms of allergic asthma, including decreased shortness of breath and coughing. In conclusion, research suggests that hypnotherapy can be a highly effective treatment method for reducing symptoms of pollen allergy. By influencing the autonomic nervous system and providing positive suggestions, hypnotherapy can help the body relax and reduce its reaction to the allergen. It is important to note that hypnotherapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, but can be a useful complementary treatment method for significantly reducing symptoms of pollen allergy. By using hypnotherapy as part of a holistic health plan, individuals suffering from pollen allergy can experience significant relief from their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

  • How 20 seconds can make You feel better.

    In a world where digital interactions often take precedence, it's easy to overlook the significance of physical proximity and touch. However, the science behind physical touch is both fascinating and compelling, clearly demonstrating that actions such as hugs have a profound impact on our mental and physical well-being. More than you think! The science behind hugs, petting animals, and other forms of physical contact reveals that these seemingly simple acts of touch can have deep effects on our health. Read about how it affects us physically and biologically in a positive way, and how you yourself can contribute to creating positive emotions, reducing feelings of loneliness and depression, and generally improving your own or your family's health. Hugs is a fundamental part of human needs for physical touch and social bonding. During the pandemic, social distancing was emphasized due to the risk of infection, raising questions about its impact on many people's well-being. From infancy, skin-to-skin contact is crucial for development and has long-term positive effects on health, both physically and mentally. This is supported by research indicating that physical contact, including hugs, at an early age can lead to happier, more resilient, and less stressed individuals as adults. Biological and psychological benefits of physical touch and closeness - hugging for at least 20 seconds, 3-4 times a day include: 1. Increased sense of belonging and improved relationships: Physical closeness boosts the secretion of essential hormones and neurotransmitters such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, all of which contribute to increasing feelings of happiness, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of calm and well-being, thereby fostering feelings of belonging and strengthening relationships. Hugs, petting, holding hands, and physical closeness (e.g., massage) stimulate the release of oxytocin, but there's much more to it. Oxytocin plays a central role in promoting feelings of calm, trust, and togetherness, and safety, which can reduce stress and anxiety. 2. Reduction in stress, anxiety, and cortisol levels Physical contact lowers levels of cortisol, the body's main stress hormone, contributing to a sense of calm and helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and related health problems. 3. Improved heart health Studies show that embraces and physical closeness can lead to lower blood pressure and heart rate, which is good for heart health. 4. Increased pain tolerance Touch can increase the body's production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers. Important hormones and neurotransmitters like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, all contribute to increasing feelings of happiness, reducing stress, and promoting a sense of calm and well-being. 5. Strengthened immune system Regular positive physical contact can also strengthen the immune system by reducing stress and improving the body's ability to fight infections. 6. Reduction of depression and feelings of loneliness Physical closeness and touch can help reduce symptoms of depression and feelings of loneliness by increasing feelings of belonging and connection to others. What you can do to feel better Hugs: A simple hug can work wonders for your mental well-being. In Sweden, we often hug when we meet, but even a handshake provides some skin contact. Spend time with animals, pet animals: Petting and spending time with animals can reduce stress and increase feelings of happiness. It's also about not focusing so much on oneself and becoming more focused on the animal and the closeness. Massage: Regular massage can reduce stress, relieve pain, and increase the sense of relaxation. Mindfulness and meditation: These practices can improve your self-awareness and reduce stress. Hypnotherapy: For those struggling with deeper emotional issues, hypnotherapy can offer a tool to effectively manage emotions. Visit for more information. Being in nature and gardening: Recent discoveries show that working with hands in soil and nature leads to less depression. Recipe - How many hugs? How long? Hugging has been shown to have many positive effects on both our mental and physical well-being. According to various sources, It's recommended to aim for 3-4 hugs a day for at least 20 seconds each to maximize benefits such as increased oxytocin production, reduced stress, improved immune system, and better heart health. These hugs, according to research, can help reduce anxiety, increase feelings of belonging and trust, and improve sleep quality. Some other studies show that basic need for survival is 4 hugs per day 8 hugs for " maintenance, 10-12 hugs per day for great wellbeing. Alternatives to touch Many elderly people can become lonely, and especially in the Nordic countries, we may be more cautious with closeness compared to other parts of Europe. So a pat, massage, foot care, pets... there are many ways to add skintouch that is appropriate in different situations. Research and Studies Studies and research results have shown that touch has measurable positive effects on people's physical and mental health. For instance, a study published in "Psychological Science" found that hugs and social support are associated with a lower likelihood of getting sick and can reduce the severity of symptoms if one becomes ill. Another study, published in "Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine," showed that therapeutic touch can reduce anxiety in cancer patients. These and many other studies underline the importance of physical contact and touch for people's well-being. By incorporating more physical closeness into our lives, we can all benefit from these health advantages and create a kinder and more cohesive world. So, if you're feeling down or stressed, remember that a hug or some time with a pet could be just what you need to feel better. If you have any form of pet allergy, you might be surprised to know that something can be done about it with the help of hypnotherapy. Read more about fur allergy here.. Some research and Studies in more detail Social Support and Resistance to Infection" by Sheldon Cohen et al.: This study, published in Psychological Science, investigated the relationship between social support, hugs, and susceptibility to developing a cold after exposure to a virus. Therapeutic Touch and Anxiety in Patients with Cancer, by Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: This research explored the effect of therapeutic touch on anxiety levels in cancer patients, showing a significant reduction in anxiety. Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans by Michael Kosfeld et al., published in Nature, is a foundational study demonstrating how oxytocin promotes trust and social bonds between people. "Touching Makes You Healthier" by H. Holt-Lunstad et al., published in Psychosomatic Medicine, reviews how physical touch can reduce stress and improve the function of the immune system. Comforting selfcare. There are countless studies showing how methods like Havening (a variation of hugging oneself) produce calming results. (This method is taught by during sessions when needed.) Article in the magazine MåBra: summarizes 4 new studies on how hugs affect us. The research shows that hugs can reduce stress, even if we hug ourselves, and that hugs lasting five to ten seconds can make us happier. Older adults who hug regularly experience better health, and culture also plays a role in how we hug. These studies emphasize the importance of physical touch for our well-being.

  • Hypnotherapy for PMS - it made a huge difference

    PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, can be a really challenging time for many women. One of the most noticeable symptoms is pain and mood swings that can make everyday life difficult and stressful, not only for the woman but also for her family. A method that has proven to be very effective in reducing PMS symptoms, including mood swings, is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive treatment method that involves relaxation to reach a relaxed and focused state. This state is natural and something most of us experience every day, such as when daydreaming or getting absorbed in a book or movie. By using hypnotherapy for PMS, you can change the brain's behavior patterns and reduce both conscious and subconscious stress and biological responses. It is also important to note that hypnotherapy is a safe method without side effects. In fact, many women who have used hypnotherapy for PMS have reported significant improvement in their symptoms and better management of their PMS period. I teach you how to work WITH your body. Make you a great team, Camilla says It may take a few sessions (usually 2-3) done monthly before significant improvement is seen, but most women report noticeable difference after just one session. Hypnotherapy can also be used preventatively to reduce the risk of symptoms getting worse. My PMS decreased drastically "I have suffered from both mood swings and pain and heavy bleeding, which unfortunately also affected my family. It was so bad that I could hardly go to work for the first 1-2 days. It was terrible! After 3 sessions, the bleeding has decreased significantly and it is easier to manage. I no longer bleed through at night and I don't panic anymore when I have to go somewhere because the bleeding has decreased. What a huge difference. It's amazing that hypnotherapy could help so much. I chose to change my irritations to focus on cleaning that day. It was great! Effective and then it feels really good, so I can enjoy to relax afterwards. I now have no problem going to work and have almost forgotten how difficult it was before. A big heartfelt THANK YOU!!!! Such an incredible difference." In the end, hypnotherapy is a highly effective treatment method for PMS and mood swings. It is safe, non-invasive, and can provide significant relief from symptoms. If you suffer from PMS or know someone who does, it may be worth considering hypnotherapy as a form of help. Remember that it is important to consult a qualified hypnotherapist to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment for your needs. At Ce-hypnosis, we have experience and have helped many women with good results. Studies and research PMS and hypnosis/hypnotherapy Here is an example of some studies that show results of hypnosis and hypnotherapy for reducing PMS and menstrual bleeding: A study from 2018, published in the journal BMC Women's Health, examined the effect of hypnosis on PMS symptoms in women. The results showed that women who received hypnotherapy experienced a significant reduction in symptoms compared to women in a control group who did not receive any treatment. The researchers therefore recommended hypnosis as a potential treatment method for PMS. Link to the study: Another study from 2015, published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, investigated the effect of hypnosis on pain and other PMS symptoms in women. The results showed that hypnotherapy led to a significant reduction in pain and other symptoms compared to women who did not receive hypnosis treatment. The researchers therefore recommended hypnosis as a potential treatment method for women with PMS. Link to the study: A review article from 2019, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, summarized several studies that investigated the effect of hypnosis on PMS symptoms. The results showed that hypnotherapy can be effective in reducing pain, depression, and anxiety related to PMS. The researchers therefore recommended hypnosis as a potential treatment method for women with PMS. Link to the review article: In summary, these studies suggest that hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment method for reducing PMS symptoms and menstrual bleeding.

  • Tip - Time to try something new to feel better? Here's how to do it yourself.

    Improved brain function and better self-esteem? You can do some simple things at home for 1-2 months, and notice the difference. Brush your teeth with the wrong hand (usually the left) every morning and preferably evening. (You can finish brushing properly afterwards with right hand). Look at yourself in the mirror while loudly saying "I love you" 10 times. Just do it. (It might feel strange in the beginning, but keep at it). Then take 10 long deep breaths (using your entire stomach and chest). Give it a try, you have nothing to lose! Do this for 6-8 weeks morning and night and notice the difference. Feel free to take deep breaths 3 times a day. How does it help ? What does it do? Improved Brain Function: Using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth can stimulate the brain and improve nerve connections between the hemispheres. This can increase mental flexibility and creativity. Increased Brain Activity: This exercise can stimulate parts of the brain that are otherwise less active, contributing to neuroplasticity and may even prevent age-related diseases. Increased Self-Love and Confidence: Saying "I love you" to yourself in the mirror can strengthen your self-esteem and self-acceptance. It is a form of positive self-talk that can reduce negative thoughts and increase your overall well-being over time. Challenging Habits: By brushing your teeth with the "wrong" hand, you break a daily routine, which can make you more aware and present in the moment. It can also increase your adaptability and ability to handle new situations. Stress Reduction: The combination of doing something new (like using the other hand) and expressing self-love can have a calming effect and reduce stress levels. Mindfulness and Presence: Breaking habitual patterns and doing something unusual, like using the wrong hand, can increase your awareness and presence in the moment, which is a central part of mindfulness practice. These activities are simple yet powerful ways to improve your well-being and can be easily integrated into your daily routine. Please share.

  • Five common myths about hypnosis - and why they are incorrect

    Have you ever heard of hypnosis? It is a form of therapy that uses suggestion and concentration to help people change behaviors or achieve their goals. Unfortunately, hypnosis is often misrepresented in the media and in the public consciousness, leading to many misconceptions about its effectiveness and safety. Here are five common myths about hypnosis - and why they are incorrect Myth #1: Hypnosis only for entertainment. This is one of the most common myths about hypnosis. Many believe that hypnosis is only used for entertainment purposes, such as on stage in a nightclub or in a TV show. However, hypnosis is actually a well-known therapeutic technique used to help people change phobias, reduce sugar cravings, allergies, pollen or manage stress, depression and anxiety, pain relief, PTSD, OCD and postpartum depression etc. There are many more areas of application as well. One very useful application is to give birth without pain. There are specially trained professionals in this area and it is a fantastic natural way for both the baby and the mother, as it results in less trauma for all parties involved, and instead a wonderful experience where the body also heals faster. Myth #2: Hypnosis is dangerous and/or can create brain damage. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that hypnosis can cause brain damage or any other harm. On the contrary, it is a form of focus and mindfulness that helps with relaxation. Hypnosis is a natural therapy that poses no risks to physical or mental health (as long as you don't have certain mental illnesses). Different countries have different regulations regarding what can be done with hypnotherapy. In England, psychologists and psychiatrists often refer their patients to or collaborate with hypnotherapists to more effectively change certain behaviors. Some even have a whole team of doctors and psychologists who work with hypnotherapists. Myt #3: Hypnosis makes you lose control Another common myth about hypnosis is that it makes you lose control. This is completely untrue. Hypnosis involves a deep relaxation and a state of high concentration, but you still have full control over your actions and decisions. Myt #4: Hypnosis only works on some special people. Many people believe that hypnosis only works for a few select individuals and that it is not an effective form of therapy for everyone. This is also a misconception. Hypnosis is a therapy that can help at least 90% of those who want to change their behavior or achieve their goals, regardless of age, gender, or background. (There are certain personality types that absolutely do not want to change, such as psychopaths and sociopaths.) Myt #5: Hypnos is a qick fix. Many people believe that hypnosis is a quick fix for all problems and that it can change everything at once. But that's not the case. Hypnosis is a therapy that requires commitment and time from both the client and the therapist to be effective. However, it is extremely effective as we work directly with the subconscious mind. For example, I have had many clients who have been seeing a psychologist for 10-15 years (who works with the conscious mind) and the results after seeing me has been about 20 sessions. So more effective depending on the issue. Another example is phobias, which may only need 1-3 sessions, extremely effective, don't you think? As you can see, there are many myths about hypnosis that are not true. Hypnosis is actually an effective and safe natural therapy that can help you change your behavior or achieve your goals. If you're interested in learning more about hypnosis and how it can help you, you can read more about methods here, and answers to the most common questions here and also contact me for more information about what you're wondering about.

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